Are there any hidden charges while trading at Bigul?
- There are no hidden charges while trading at Bigul. To learn all the charges involved while trading and investing visit
- To calculate the charges for a particular trade, visit .
- Why are higher exchange transaction charges being charged for trades?
- Charged by exchanges (NSE, BSE, MCX) on the value of your transactions.
- BSE has revised transaction charges in XC, XD, XT, Z and ZP groups to ₹10,000 per crore w.e.f 01.01.2016. (XC and XD groups have been merged into a new group X w.e.f 01.12.2017)
- What does Depository Participant (DP) charge mean?
- Why are DP charges not shown in the contract note?
- Are there any hidden charges while trading at Bigul?
- What does Depository Participant (DP) charge mean?
- Why are DP charges not shown in the contract note?
- Are there any hidden charges while trading at Bigul?